Hemen. Gaur. Berriz
documentary short film, 2020

Bitor eta Mikelek Bilboko Aste Nagusian ezagutu dute elkar. Lehenengo begirada berezia izango da bientzat, baina desberdin gogoratuko dute.
Bitor y Mikel se conocen durante las fiestas de Bilbao. La primera mirada va a ser especial para ambos, pero la recordarán de diferente manera.
Bitor and Mikel meet during the Bilbao festivities. The first look is going to be special for both of them, but they will remember it in a different way.

Short film (9′ 21») – Digital
Genre: Documentary
Director: Aitor Gametxo Zabala
Writers: Jorge Gil Munarriz, Aitor Gametxo Zabala
Producers: Iñigo Zubero Alciturri, Ander Barinaga-Rementeria Arano
Photography: Iyan Altube Escudero
Sound & Music: Txufo Wilson
With Mikel Mancisidor Iztueta, Bitor Agirre Uriondo
Film Editing: Maialen Sarasua Oliden
Illustration: Gorka Olmo
Title design: Fran Fraca Tarancón
Festival Selections & Awards
View all festival selections
2020.- 62 ZINEBI International Festival of Documentary and Short Film. Bilbao [Eu] – EITB Audience Award
2021.- 18th ZINEGOAK Bilbao International Gaylesbitrans Film and Performing Arts Festival [Eu]
2021.- 14. HUHEZINEMA jaialdia, Aretxabaleta [Eu]
2021.-67th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen [De]
2021.-VI edición Festival de Cine LGTBI Centro Niemeyer. Avilés [Es]
2021.-Queer Film Festival. Oldenburg [De]
2021.-26 LesGaiCineMad. Madrid [Es]